The Sales Boot Camp with James at Hasselblad Studios

If sales is your weak point, this one dayworkshop is for you.

James Derbyshire and Julia Boggio own one of the fastest growing portrait studios in London. In two years they have gone from a well-known, yet small business to a large glamorous studio that gets booked up two months in advance and achieves high average sales.

The Sales Bootcamp, in conjunction with Hasselblad and other great partners, is a day where we’ll show you how to have the confidence to make money from your photography. With his years of training and experience in sales, James will show you how we consistently achieve thousands of pounds worth of portrait sales at our studio.

He’ll also show you how to get clients to buy from you, how to value your work, and also how to get that phone to ring in the first place.

The day is for 50 delegates only and there are only a few places left in March so book soon.img83


Understanding your market – Who are you selling to anyway?

Business development and getting clients – How do you get that phone to ring?

Selling yourself – Once they’ve called you, what next?

Selling your work – How do you help people buy your work?

Shooting to sell – with Julia Boggio

Sales skills – All the skills that you need to have in your back pocket

Finding out what your clients want and making a profit

Sponsored by Hasselblad


Hassleblad will be hosting a breakout workshop in ‘shooting to sell’.

Lightblue Software will be showing how workflow management can help make your business more profitable, using sales workflow that James uses at Julia Boggio Studios

Bob Books will be hosting a breakout session on how to design and sell great albums

Time Exposure James will be showing you how to use Pro Select to increase portrait profits

Supported by

Photo Professional Magazine

Terms and Conditions

By registering for the workshop, you accept the following terms and conditions:
– 100% payment required at time of booking.
– All payments made are non refundable.
– Workshop/Seminar content may be altered and canceled if necessary.
– In the case of seminar cancellation a full refund of all monies paid will be applicable.
– All images photographed during the workshop, may not be used for any self-promotion, publications, or competition entries.
– Images you create are for your educational purposes only.