We have been delighted with how much we have been able to help give new photography businesses a clear direction and also give existing business a massive boost. At heart we’re all wonderfully creative people but without a solid business grounding our businesses, well, they might not be doing business.
It warms our hearts every time we hear from one of our past graduates about how well they’re doing and how we’ve been able to reignite their passion for photography and, as importantly, make money! This email from Lucy Williams is just one example of many that we receive and we’re excited that we can help continue to grow an army of talented, successful photographers!
Dear Julia and the team,
I hope all’s well and busy at JB studios!
I wanted to thank you so much for your training course in all things to do with running a photography business! Before your course, I had been working as a corporate and commercial photographer for 5 years and was badly hit by the recession, losing around 75% of my clients almost overnight. Not only did this affect my business but also my confidence. All of my clients had been built up by word of mouth whilst I was growing my business and I had no idea how to start again. I quickly realised what I was most lacking in was business skills. Prior to the course at Julia Boggio Studios, I had sought out a number of business courses and although all of these were useful, none of them particularly met my needs in terms of running a creative photography business. By the time I found your course I was completely demoralised and had lost a lot of my passion for what I do.
The help, advice and support I received whilst on your course reignited my passion and has helped me build more of a solid foundation for running my business. It was also wonderful to meet other photographers running similar businesses. Since the course, I have found it easier to put steps in place to manage how I run my business and to see ways forward for my business in the future. I have regained a lot of my confidence and I’m finding new clients that suit the way I am working now. I am really enjoying what I do and am completely positive about my business growing in 2014. For this, I wanted to say a big thanks.
Best wishes
Lucy x